
Showing posts from September, 2008

Map 3D 2009: Create Contour Layer Anomoly

So, I was playing around with some DEMs and the Create Contour Layer functionality in Map 3D the other day... When I noticed something 'odd'... Can you see the oddity from the screen capture of the Data Table Window below? In case you didn't notice, the Data Table Window is only reporting one record? What the? I know there are hundreds of contours in this resulting SDF, so why is it only showing 1 record? Well after performing a reality check with a fellow Map enthusiast Nicole Jung (who btw is also instructing at AU this year, so be sure to check out her class: GS304-1P Express yourself! Using the Expression Builder in AutoCADĀ® Map 3D 2009 and Autodesk MapGuideĀ® Enterprise 2009! ) we investigated this for a bit and realized that there seems to be a little anomaly occurring with the refreshing of the Data Window for these SDFs generated via Generate Contours command. I found that if I toggled between Filtered and un-filtered Feature Classes the reocrds would show up... An...

Map3D 2009: Theming on joined datasources.

One of the big problems (at least for me and many of our clients) with the initial release of Map 3D 2009 was that it would not allow you to create a theme based on a column from a joined datasource.  The problem was that the joined columns were just no t shown in the UI.  However... it would appear that this issue has been addressed in the latest map update . As you can see from the screen captures below, the joined columns are now available in the Property dropdown list, and the Expression Builder Property list.   For those who do not know how to create a join, some simple instructions are: Connect to both datasources and add to the map any required features.  In the sample image we've connected to and added to the map the Hydrants SDF for the point features, and made an ODBC connection to an Access database that contains more details for the Hydrants In the Display Manger, right-click on the datasource (Hydrants) that you want to create a join on and select Create Join.   In the...

Map 3D 2009 Update 1... (Service Pack 1)

Late last week Autodesk released an Update for Map 2009. The Update, or Service Pack, can be downloaded here . Numerous issues are addressed in this SP, and I would suggest anyone using Map 3D 2009 should probably download and install this. You can use the link above to download and install, or use the Communication Center to install: After the install is complete you can check the Product Information (Help > About AutoCAD Map 3D > Product Information) to ensure the update was successful: Some issues that I have personal experience with are problems with using FDO and 3D objects. These were quite flaky and un-stable, and was informed by Autodesk that this is supposed to be addressed in this service pack. The Join problem of not showing joined properties in the Expression Builder is supposed to be resolved as well... I have yet to verify this. Take care, Warren AU 2008 in 86 days...

Google Chrome & MapGuide

Well we've been hearing about it ( Google Chrome ) for a while, and it's now available, so I thought I would install it and see what the fuss is about. Seems nice enough... really quick, thin... But most importantly is that a MapGuide site shows up just fine using Chrome: Although I did notice that it doesn't seem to format XML for display... This is the result of a MapGuide MapAgent query: