
Showing posts from 2009

Future Blog Posts

Hello! Well, it’s been a while, and things have continued to been pretty hectic between work, an online course I’m taking, and the day-to-day general family duties. While it may seem I have been neglecting this blog, I have actually been continuing to blog, just on another venture.  My employer, IMAGINiT Technologies, has asked me to start a Geospatial based blog for our company, so that is where my last few post have placed. So, for the time being, I will be blogging at: IMAGINiT Geospatial Blog Come on over, and say hi! Warren

AutoCAD Map 3D 2009 Update 2

Autodesk has recently released an Update (Service Pack) for Map 3D 2009. The update can be downloaded and installed through your Communication Center in Map, or click here to download the installation exe. To verify the installation goto: Help > About AutoCAD Map, and click on the Product Information button. The following dialog should appear. If the Product Service Pack states: Version 3, you're good to go! Take Care Warren M

AutoCAD Map 3D 2010

It is that time of year again when Autodesk is getting ready to roll out the latest releases of its stable of products, and included in that list is AutoCAD Map 3D 2010. The 2010 version of AutoCAD Map adds some extremely interesting new features, and I’m going to post new articles over the next couple weeks detailing some of the major changes. Below is a list of some of the new features and enhancements: Feature Feature Comments Ribbon New to AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 is the concept of the Ribbon, which is based on the AutoCAD Ribbon 2.0. The Ribbon features commands across the top of the window with tabs in place of the familiar menus. Using the Ribbon, the interface for AutoCAD Map 3D2010 is cleaner, less cluttered, and provides a better way to customize the look-and-feel. Bilk Copy Bulk Copy has been enhanced in AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 to include the ability to ...

MapGuide: Fusion beta 2.0

While it hasn't been officially announced yet, the beta of Fusion 2.0 is available for download and testing.  As Jason Birch stated over on the mapguide users forum: " If you want stable release software for your use, then you need to test it when it's in beta (or earlier)" So... if you're a developer, hacker, tech geek, or somebody who just likes to test the latest and greatest tools, go ahead, download it , install it (very easy process) and test it out! In the few minutes I've spent with it, the performance improvements are very noticeable with respect to loading, zooming and selecting objects. Take care Warren M