Lifelong learning…

Lifelong learning is something I have tried to practice my entire life.  Over the years, this learning has occurred on many different levels and taken many different forms.  Whether it was the formal college/technical school education in my earlier years, or the years I’ve spent in the software industry keeping up with all the latest a greatest technologies, or my recent experiences with online education through SAIT Polytechnic, it has been a fantastic experience.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I was not a great student in High School…  I struggled quite a bit for a variety of reasons including: too many distractions, poor study habits, and a lack of focus ( I was going to be a rock star!  Hot smile).  I guess I would consider myself a late bloomer, because it wasn’t until I was a little older (and assumedly more mature, although that is debatable…) that I started to enjoy the ‘learning experience’.

This might seem like an odd/off topic compared to my usual ranting's you say, but there is a method to my madness…

After 6 years of some long, late nights, working though lunches, juggling family and personal commitments, I am extremely happy to report that I recently graduated with honours from the Bachelor of Applied GIS Degree program!

This was a fantastic experience, and I learned a great deal and really enjoyed the online learning experience. 

A HUGE thanks to my incredible family for enduring and supporting me through this entire adventure!!

Until next time,
Keep on learning!

Warren M


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