
Showing posts from February, 2011

ArcGIS Query Layers follow-up

I just realized I neglected to mention a very important key item in my original post on ArcGIS Query Layers . 2 words… READ-ONLY Yes, unfortunately, these Query Layers are read-only, and I don’t just mean the geometries are read-only, even the attribute data is read-only. Maybe in ArcGIS 11 these will be fully accessible and editable? One can hope! Until next time, Take care Warren M

Reason 149…

I just thought of something… My recent post is reason #149 to make the move to an enterprise spatial database (or at least a geodatabase) if you’re working heavily in the ESRI world… Until next time, Take care Warren M

GISP Proposal for Exam Requirement

Last week the GISCI had a press release announcing: GISCI Invites Comment on Proposed Examination Requirement From the GISCI website: “After much consideration and deliberation, the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) invites you to review a proposal to update requirements for GIS Professional (GISP) certification.  Key among the proposed updates is the addition of a required examination.” This press release is inviting people to comment on the proposal to update the GISP requirements to include a required examination. Now, anyone that is already a GISP, or has considered becoming a GISP, or has followed the GISP saga, is probably well aware of the numerous debates on the many social networking sites with respect to ‘what’ being a GISP really means.  I have contributed to many of those discussions, and don’t intend to re-start or re-hash the details here.  All I’m going to say is, if you have an opinion on this topic, don’t sit back, go make your voice hea...