GISP Proposal for Exam Requirement
Last week the GISCI had a press release announcing:
GISCI Invites Comment on Proposed Examination Requirement
From the GISCI website:
“After much consideration and deliberation, the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) invites you to review a proposal to update requirements for GIS Professional (GISP) certification. Key among the proposed updates is the addition of a required examination.”
This press release is inviting people to comment on the proposal to update the GISP requirements to include a required examination.
Now, anyone that is already a GISP, or has considered becoming a GISP, or has followed the GISP saga, is probably well aware of the numerous debates on the many social networking sites with respect to ‘what’ being a GISP really means. I have contributed to many of those discussions, and don’t intend to re-start or re-hash the details here. All I’m going to say is, if you have an opinion on this topic, don’t sit back, go make your voice heard and get involved.
The proposal can be read here, and today the site went live, so go make your voice heard!
Until next time,
Take care
Warren M