
Showing posts from 2013

ArcGIS: Packaging error - General function failure

Whoa... 2 posts within 2 months...  I'm on a roll baby...   :-) In today's episode I want to document what I've discovered with the following lovely error when attempting to create a Map Package: I've had this very insightful (hint:sarcasm) message box pop-up a number of times when trying to create a Map Package.  After much copying/pasting, renaming, re-connecting data sources I finally figured out what the problem was in this particular instance. This particular map had some DWG files connected to the map, and some of these DWG names contained a special character "#", and also contained extra 'dots' in the name to delimit a date.  For example: Name#-2013.04.09.dwg In my testing and trials, removing the '#' symbol did not resolve the issue, and it wasn't until I removed the extra 'dots' in the name that I was finally able to successfully generate the package.  Further testing revealed that the '#' symbol ...

ArcGIS to PDF: Missing Geometries

Wow... has it really been that long!?!  Well, there's no sense trying to explain the absence other than by saying 'life happens' Onto the post... I had a map created in ArcGIS but whenever I output the map to PDF there was missing linework?  The actual map looked like this: But the PDF output looked like this: (Note: the fuzziness is due to transparency on the objects, which in turn are exported as raster data) At first I thought it was a lineweight issue, and maybe the lineweight was too thin (not that that is a reason for it not showing up but, hey).  So I tried increasing the lineweight and outputting again, but still no luck.  I thne noticed that it was actually outputting a few of the geometries: So that got me thinking about why it would display some, but now all, of the geometries.  Hmmm, well with ArcGIS being quite 'picky' about 'valid' geometries I decided to run the Check Geometry Tool ...  Sure en...