ArcGIS to PDF: Missing Geometries
Wow... has it really been that long!?! Well, there's no sense trying to explain the absence other than by saying 'life happens'
Onto the post...
I had a map created in ArcGIS but whenever I output the map to PDF there was missing linework? The actual map looked like this:

(Note: the fuzziness is due to transparency on the objects, which in turn are exported as raster data)
At first I thought it was a lineweight issue, and maybe the lineweight was too thin (not that that is a reason for it not showing up but, hey). So I tried increasing the lineweight and outputting again, but still no luck. I thne noticed that it was actually outputting a few of the geometries:

So that got me thinking about why it would display some, but now all, of the geometries. Hmmm, well with ArcGIS being quite 'picky' about 'valid' geometries I decided to run the Check Geometry Tool... Sure enough, self intersecting objects were the culprit. A simple run of the Repair Geometry Tool and voila, the features output properly.
I do find it odd though that ArcGIS has no trouble 'displaying' these problematic geometries... it just can't print them?
That's all for now,
Warren M